Do video games make us violent?

4 min readDec 29, 2020


Video games aren’t considered good in our society. Majority of the people consider this as a waste of time, and that it causes our children to become very aggressive and violent. However, the majority forgets that it is a huge form of entertainment. I’m here to prove them wrong. I’m here to make them and you understand that video games are a source of happiness and entertainment.

Videogames are not making us violent. It is true, that gamers abuse others, break their equipment and become short tempered, but none of it has any concerns with video games. It concerns with what kind of teachings are given to children by their parents. Yes, the parents share blame in this. Because, the one thing parents forget to teach their children is patience. Short temperedness exists in a human when he/she doesn’t have any kind of patience. Patience is the ability to wait, compromise, to withstand, to endure. Lets take an example. A young boy asks his parents for a Ps5. His parents tell him that the budget is tight this year and that they can’t buy him the Ps5 anytime soon. The boy will start crying and will become angry, which is an indication of little to no patience. If his parents borrow money, and buy him a Ps5, they are taking a wrong step. If your child is throwing a tantrum, let him. How long will this continue? 1 minute? 1 hour? at some point, the boy will become tired of all his crying and being angry and will settle. He will become calm. Even if he doesn’t realize the truth that his parents are trying really hard to keep him happy, it’s okay. Because, it isn’t yet the boy’s age to reach some kind of maturity, to get some kind of realization. There are some parents who will borrow money and get their child whatever he/she wants. But they don’t realize one thing. That is, their child will start to think that if he/she cries, and throws a tantrum, his/her parents will get him whatever he wants. If his/her parents continue this behavior, their child will more and more impatient and stubborn, which will only cause the parents more and more problems. patience is a virtue. It will be hard to teach your children patience, but the result of this hard work is more than worth it.

Videogames have no link to us becoming aggressive and violent. A recent study was released in 2017 by Marc Palaus, named, “Neural Basis of Video Gaming: A Systematic Review.” Palaus and his colleagues collected results from 116 studies, 22 of which were on structural changes in brain, while the rest looked at changes in brain functionality and/or behavior. The studies show us that playing videogames changes our brain performance in many ways. It increases our attention, as well as the Brain regions responsible for attention and concentration are also more efficient in gamers and require less activation to sustain attention on demanding tasks. There is sustaining evidence as well, that videogames can increase size and efficiency of brain regions responsible for visuospatial skills. visuospatial skills simply reffer to a person’s ability to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects. Video games can be addictive as well, but the video game exposure doesn’t lead to real life changes, as stated by Mark Palaus. Another study by the Royal Society shows us that violent video games are not associated with adolescents becoming aggressive.

Videogames aren’t concerned with violence. The majority does say, that the adolescents are becoming violent because of these video games, but we are the dumb ones to believe them because they have no proof to support their statement. If video games do cause violence, how is the gaming industry still working? How are so many gaming products and games still being produced? Why hasn’t the gaming industry went downhill yet? Lets take the example of a recently released game, Valorant. It has only been 6 months since the game’s initial launch, and tournaments are already taking place for the game internationally. I watch the tournaments and matches online. I don’t see any kind of fighting amongst the teams. The teams think carefully, try to use different strategies and try to win. When playing, we should only have 1 motto: I’m not gonna lose voluntarily, but I’m not gonna get mad if I lose, because I would have tried my best to win. I would’ve had fun.

Video games are a source of entertainment. The majority needs to realize this. Video games teach us about team work, cooperation and coordination. Video games are no different than movies and dramas. Why? Because when we play story based video games, we show some kind of emotion, depending upon the type of story. If we play online, multiplayer, team-based games video games, we find cooperative teams, who make different strategies and take different roles to win, and have fun regardless they win or lose. In my opinion, a multiplayer game lost together with friends is better than winning a game alone. Why? Because when we play together with friends, we realize the one reason we are playing this game. For fun. We want to laugh together with our friends. However, majority of the players aren’t so good. The majority of the time I play multiplayer video games, I get bad teammates, who play bad but blame and abuse us. This is because of the same impatience problem that I mentioned above, and this community has been named as the “toxic community”.

In conclusion, I believe I have made myself clear that video games do not cause violence and I hope that people will understand this from now on. Video games bring us joy and happiness and are one of the biggest sources of entertainment.



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